The CIFAL Global Network’s mission is to strengthen the capacities of government officials and civil society leaders, thus empowering them to advance sustainable development.  

Some scammers could be using the names and logos of the United Nations, UNITAR and its CIFAL Global Network to commit fraud. Please be aware that we never charge participants for attending international events, and that the alleged “SDG Fund” does not exist. Should you be approached by criminals pretending to be UNITAR or the CIFAL Global Network, please write to and inform us of any suspicious interaction or requests you send money. The police have been notified of this abuse.


Announcement: As of the 30th of September 2023, CIFAL Argentina has terminated its operation. Any activity, event, and operation are not endorsed nor authorized by UNITAR beyond this date.


"[The CIFAL Network] meets a crucial need to reinforce capacities and exchange good practices among local authorities, the private sector and the United Nations”.  United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Remarks to the UNITAR/CIFAL Network Steering Committee, Atlanta, USA, 8 May 2008

CIFAL stands for "Centre International de Formation des Autorités et Leaders" (in French), and "Centro Internacional de Formación para Autoridades y Líderes" (in Spanish).

The CIFAL Global Network is composed of 31 International Training Centres for Authorities and Leaders, all coordinated by UNITAR’s Social Development Programme. The strategic locations of the 31 centres, which can be found across Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and the Caribbean ensure a global outreach. Each CIFAL centre provides innovative training and serves as a hub for the exchange of knowledge amongst government officials, the private sector, and civil society. 


The central purpose of the CIFAL training programs is to develop and strengthen human capacities to better respond to development challenges and to facilitate City-to-City (C2C) partnerships. The CIFAL alliance provides a platform for dialogue and knowledge transfer on key development-related issues. Through knowledge management methodologies, CIFALs provide networking opportunities that lead to collaboration, facilitation of peer-to-peer learning, and exchange of best practices.

CIFAL Centres

For more information about each of the CIFAL centres visit the dedicated pages for the affiliated individual centres. There may be one near you!

Thematic Areas

The CIFAL Global Network recognizes that there is a crucial need for capacity development in order to address the challenges communities worldwide are currently facing. 

The training sessions and activities of the CIFAL centres focus on four major thematic areas:


The CIFAL Approach

The central purpose of the CIFAL training programs is to develop and strengthen human capacities to better respond to development challenges and to facilitate City-to-City (C2C) partnerships. The CIFAL alliance provides a platform for dialogue and knowledge transfer on key development-related issues. Through knowledge management methodologies, CIFALs provide networking opportunities that lead to collaboration, facilitation of peer-to-peer learning and exchange of best practices.

The CIFAL network was launched in 2003 and since its inception has had a significant impact on reaching beneficiaries worldwide. In 2023 alone, the network reached 97,407 beneficiaries through 422 events.

Target Audience

Primary beneficiaries are government officials from developing countries that are committed to taking a strategic approach to development. Beneficiaries include:

  • Public officials from national, sub-national and local governments
  • Academics
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
  • Community-based organizations(CBOs)
  • Private sector representatives
  • International organizations

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